
may-june in list form

*from Pinterest*

listening: to the sound of the water splashing in our pool, to corny Disney movie music, to my sisters and I laugh until all hours
making: homemade cupcakes, smoothies, wishes, and BIG dreams.
watching: High School Musical... yup that's right me and my sisters have had a end of the school year marathon ;) 
missing: my friends, being a little kid.
drinking: ice tea, smoothies, water.
enjoying: playing volleyball with my sisters, as the sun is setting, until our arms get red and are burning off.
loving: the sunshine, the spring breeze, curly hair, puppy cuddles, inside jokes, no school.
needing: a fresh start, a hug, some more fun.
wearing: summer dresses, new shorts, comfy pajamas, cute flip-flops.
playing: with my mind, Let it Go on the piano repeatedly, around with my siblings.
feeling: confused, happy, determined, hopeful.

~Michaela Ann