
Vacation Part 2

Hello again! Yesterday I posted pictures from the first day and today I am just posting a bunch of jumbled pictures....I'm not really sure what day I took pictures and what day I didn't but anyway, I hope you guys enjoy!

Ivy asked me if I like the beach, I said "Yeah, I like it." Then, she was like "I love it and I never want to leave!"
Kyle and Morgan

Lil' Brianna

So pretty!

One night some of us took a walk....the sun set was breath taking....

Caught Ivy dancing on the beach....to cute! :)

Back to the sunny pictures!

My two prety sisters!

Oh look here are 2 more! ;)

Love this girl!

These pictures were taken on our last walk....sadness....

The weird this is it was really scary! On the walk it got really dark and there was a lightening storm!! We were seriously running back to the beach house!

This one she was trying to show off but after I took it and looked at it....I was like "YOU HAVE A SHADOW!! LIKE PETER PAN!!"

Hope you guys liked them!

~Michaela Ann