Hey Guys! So today I got an idea from a blog that I look at sometimes to do this A to Z quiz thingy! ;) I don't know what to call it! :) If you guys who have blogs and would like to do this I totally recommend it! It is fun!!! :D Ok so lets start!
A / Available or Married?
......As most of you know I'm definitely not married, and as far as my Dad's concerned I'm never going to be available either...so lets move on! ;)
B / Books?
With this one it's hard because I love to read, so I can't really pick just one, but I love a lot! :)
C / Cake or pie?
Pie! I like cake with loads of frosting but I really like chocolate, or peanut butter pie. My dad says those don't count as pies but, I think so! ;)
D / Drink of choice?
I love frappuccinos! Those are like my favorite but I also like Cherry Coke and other pop drinks! :)
E / Essential item?
This one is super hard, because I love to keep anything and everything! :D So, maybe like my craft supplies or my camera!? :D
F / Favorite color?
Blue and mint green! I like this car color!!!!!!
G / Game to play or watch?
I love Clue! I don't know why but, that is like one of my favorite board games!!! :)
H / Hometown?
Doylestown, OH! Just this little town in the middle of somewhere! ;)
J / Job?
No job at the moment, but I really want to start babysitting and I want to work with kids when I'm older too! :)
K / Kids and names?
Since I'm not married I also don't have kids! ;) But, I defiantly want some when I'm older! :)
L / Life is incomplete without.....?
Friends!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

M / Music of group singer?
Owl city!!!! <3
N / Number of siblings?
I have 7 other siblings! I'm the fifth!
O / Oranges or Apples?
Apples! :)
P / Phobias and fears?
I hate feeling like I'm trapped, or I can move! :) No, seriously! If I can't wiggle my toes or mess with me fingers I just hate that!!!!
Q / Quotes?
I LOVE QUOTES! I'm obsessed with them! :)
R / Reason to smile?
So many reasons! Top one, God loves you and he sent His Son to die for us! :)
S / Season?
Fall, and Spring! :) YAY! ;)
T / Tattoos?
Never get any..........but, I'm not saying anyone else can't! :)
U / Unknown fact?
Don't really have any, I tell my friends way to much! ;)
V / Veggies you love?
Love? Veggies? No way, NOT for me! ;)
W / Worst Habit?
Probably being bossy! :-/
X / X-rays you've had?
Not sure...........for my teeth! :P
Y / Your favorite food?
Anything that's not good for you pretty much! :)
Z / Zodiac?
Sorry but I have no idea! Sorry kinda lame last answer but oh well!
Hope you enjoyed! :)
Looks great Michaela! :) It was so fun when I did it too! :)